RGB Schemes logo

2 Dec 2016 · by David DeSandro

RGB Schemes logo

I designed the logo, type treatment, and brand guidelines for RGB Schemes, a VR gaming start-up. Woo, it's a fun one! The main logo is the RGB birdie, a symbol dense with meaning.

  • Bird for fun and whimsy
  • R, G, B letter shapes
  • Letter shapes in isometric view for 3D & VR graphics
  • Additive color blending displaying red-green-blue color space

The kicker: The birdie can be rendered as a 3D object.

RGB Schemes 3D logo rotation

RGB Schemes 3D logo object

I coded up this demo with 3D CSS transforms so you can drag around the logo for yourself.

See the Pen RGB Schemes 3D logo object by David DeSandro (@desandro) on CodePen.

It was one of those wonderful cases of design happenstance. I put the letters in a cube and kept playing around with the arrangement. At one point, I spot: "Hey, that kinda looks like a bird." Sometimes you get lucky ;)

Here's a look at all the explorations designed in the effort.

RGB Schemes logo design process 1

RGB Schemes logo design process 2

Interested in a logo for your project? Let's chat! Email me yo@metafizzy.co to get started.

David DeSandro logos