Logo Pizza vol. 2 delivered

24 Jan 2018 · by David DeSandro

Logo Pizza vol. 2

Logo Pizza vol. 2 is out! Logo Pizza is a collection of 50 logos, ready for sale. Volume 2 includes 33 all new designs.

Last year's initial release of Logo Pizza was a surprise success. Looking to capitalize on it, I spent my autumn days designing a new set of logos.


Volume 2 was released last November 28th. In the two subsequent months, it has sold well, but nowhere near the gangbusters experienced in the first volume.

The good news: there are some great logos available for sale at an incredible price.

Logo Pizza vol. 2

Logo Pizza Osprey

The bad news: I've got too much inventory sitting in the warehouse, so-to-speak.

It's always difficult to explain why a project succeeds or fails. But, if I had to make a guess, I'd say the same attribute that made the first volume so successful was the un-doing of the second. And that attribute is: novelty.

The original Logo Pizza was, ahem, entirely original. A new concept, with fresh designs, with a gimmicky pricing mechanism. My thinking was the the second volume would be able build upon the first volume's appeal. But maybe its actual appeal was just in its newness. By the time volume 2 rolled around, the thrill was gone. Logo Pizza vol. was news-worthy. Volume 2 was old news.

As I grow older in my profession and I release more projects, I'm starting to see how much luck is involved in the success or failure of projects. Maybe volume 1 was lucky and volume 2 was not.

Sales are still steady coming in. If you have had any interest in a logo, buy soon before someone else does. There are some straight bangers that somehow have not been snatched up yet. Blue jay, Mechanical hare, Dockyarder, and more are just waiting to be procured. Don't sleep on these!